Esme is the creator of the YouTube Channel ‘This Esme’. Esme’s weekly videos promote riding, horse welfare and cover all aspects equestrian. The popularity of Esme’s work has quickly made her one of the worlds largest equestrian social media stars, with monthly views in excess of 15 Million

The existing identity has given the This Esme brand a strong foundation but as Esme’s profile changed a new, more holistic brand identity was needed to reflect her expanding interests.
With Esme branching out in to books and country living a new identity was needed to elevate Esme’s profile to become more aspirational.

The new identity takes the friendliness of the original identity and updates it to a contemporary lockup with hand-written font combined with a bold modern bold serif.

This combination will enable the Esme brand to be seen as a professional organisation that brands want to work with going forwards, whilst maintaining the easily approachable feel of the original branding.

One of the most important aspects of a new website is the user experience and the speed of the website. With Esme’s site we knew it would be image and video heavy, so we had to make sure that the website performed well.

At time of writing the desktop speed for the website homepage is scoring 99% on Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool.

If you wish to discuss a website project, or simply have a question, go ahead and get in touch!

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